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When it comes to your loved one, choosing the right long-term care setting can seem overwhelming. Perhaps you are at this moment or possibly it’s a decision you never expected to face.  There are many feelings - unsure, frightened, guilty, concerned … and confused - that come with making a decision for your loved one such as this and the myriad of unanswered questions.


As you traverse these unfamiliar paths, please know Homestead Health Center understands where you are and the decisions you face. We understand your loved one is irreplaceable in your life, and we are committed to providing superior long-term care, as well as rehabilitation services. We will assist you with ways to stay involved in the care of loved ones, and work with you to maintain the highest quality of life.





Homestead Health Center provides round-the-clock licensed nursing care to meet the needs of residents whatever their level of care.


Adult Care is the level of service normally associated with nursing homes and includes assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs). ADLs such as dressing, toileting, transferring from bed to wheelchair, eating, bathing, and medication are all covered for by a daily fee.  The daily fee includes meals, laundry and housekeeping, also.  Ancillary items such as phone service, television, and beauty shop services are not included in the daily fee.


Our Rehabilitation unit offers large private rooms with television and phone service and dining area.





Life Enrichment means making life meaningful and enjoyable.  Our staff at Homestead Health Center provide many group activities within the facility to keep people physically, mentally, and spiritually active.  Exercise, bowling, bingo, music, daily devotions, and weekly Bible studies are just a few of the activities offered.


Life Enrichment also goes beyond the group activities provided.  Individual life enrichment goals and activities are established based on individual preferences.  These types of activities may include reading a good book, interacting with children from the local schools, participating in art projects, or other activities.





The Social Service department of Homestead Health Center helps address the psycho-social needs of the residents.  Staff are trained in identifying issues such as depression and anxiety and work with the residents and families to address needs that have been identified. 


The Social Service staff also assist residents in identifying quality of life indicators which meet the personal preferences and needs of residents.  Additionally, they assist with plans for residents to return to the community.  In-home service needs can be addressed with Social Services staff and they can assist in obtaining services.


Life Enrichment

Social Services

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